What Regulations Must Be Taken Into Account When Preparing A Room For Commercial Use?

The main rules governing how to be reformed, decorate and paint a shop is GPU General Urban Plan or of each region or city. In this plan, all regulations are collected to use in addition to indicating what type of business may or may not open as areas or streets. It is mandatory to consult on whether you can obtain an active license. Thus, if the local will continue with the same activity unfolding before, it is only necessary to change the license holder, but also improves the event, then it will be required to request a change in the license. In case you want to open a business in a place that has never been commercial, it has to apply for a new permit.

Other Legal Aspects That Must Be Considered Are:

if the location is located in a property cataloged in the Historical Heritage Inventory of the locality or if it is in itself a place of historical-artistic interest;

if it conforms to the fire protection law;

if it is adapted to the rule of accessibility and elimination of architectural barriers.

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